Joyful. Happy. Content. Gratefulness. Those maybe some of the emotions that come with spending time with your horse. Wouldn't you want to feel those emotions when you are stuck in your home as well? If you have horse photos decorating your home you are more likely to feel that way. AND if your like me and hate cleaning your house, at least you will have one thing to feel content about! :) If you need more reasons (some would call them "excuses") to schedule a photoshoot, keep reading!
End Of Life
One of the saddest times is when you have just lost one of the most important partners in your life. Something that makes it even worse is realizing that you don’t have any special photos to document that lost part of you. I struggled with that very thing a year ago when we had to put down my horse that I raised from a baby. He was kind and had a huge heart. I did all his training and took care of him his entire life, but in too short of time he was gone. I have photos from barrel races and snapshots, but nothing that is beautiful enough to hang in my home and commemorate the time he gave to me. It will be one of my lifelong regrets.
Celebrating Awards
When you and your equine partner accomplish your goals, you win a race, show, or other event, you deserve to have a beautiful image to showcase the hard work you both put in. Show photos are fantastic, but a personalized photo of you, your horse and the awards you won together is a show piece! It represents the hours of lessons and drills, missing out on time with family and friends, vet bills, and all the other little things that helped you reach your achievements.
Recently my husband found out that his roping horse has a career ending lameness. He will be comfortable in the pasture and will be a wonderful buddy to my mom’s small herd of horses, but the loss of this companion is very hard for my husband. They fit each other like a glove and made a great team. Thankfully last summer I got several very nice photos of my husband and his horse doing what they love in the arena. I will also be taking some new black background photos and some other sweet photos of “Pete” so that my husband can hang them in our home.
Commemorate a Milestone
Senior graduation, your engagement, your wedding, a new baby, birthdays, and any other special times in your life are a great time to include your equine partners in your pictures. When my husband and I had our engagement photos we included not only his daughters, but also all of our favorite horses. They are some of our favorite photos from that day and we have also lost 3 of those horses since that day. Those photos are special and I love having them to remember that time.
New Home Decor
Have you updated your home? Maybe gotten rid of the '90s golden oak (or put golden oak back in because it's back in style which I refuse to believe!) Maybe you went with a more modern style. A metal print of your horse on a black background or a black and white image would look perfect in your new space. Maybe you went the other direction and went with a rustic style. Photos of your horse in the field or in a cowboy style with a rustic frame to match would make a lovely addition.
Bonus Reason- Just Because!
I mean, really, why else do you need a reason to take pictures with your favorite animal that understands you better than humans and who listens better! You'll never regret having memories hanging on your wall!